
#68 The Underworld

Episode Summary

In this episode, Nate continues unveiling the ancient occult knowledge of the solar mythos dealing with ancient esoteric Freemasonry. The topics covered are: Primal Fears, The Solar Mythos, Zodiac, Esoteric Freemasonry, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice, Amenta, Hell, Earth, The Tomb, The Womb, Death, Darkness, Soil, Cult of Osiris, Ancient Egyptian Mythos, Stellar, Solar and Lunar Hero Cults, The Inner Journey of the Soul, The Spirit, The Mind, The Body, The Brain, Eschatology, Metamorphosis, Typhon(Set), Isis, Nepthys, Anubis, Decay, Materialism, Animism, Natural Law, Anarchy, R-Complex Control, Astro-Theology, Sabbatical Year, agriculture